

Rubber Ducky, you're the one.

If anyone remembers the winter season of 2010-2011-- was the worst we ( I can only speak for New England ) have had in a long time, at least in my fairly short lifetime.
Truly I work for a bank and we had about 5 snow days where we were closed completely. That never happens. EVER.
 I am pretty sure if armageddon were to come anytime soon, I would still have to go to work because people would need to try to take their money with them when they die.

Anyways, my point is that we have now been experiencing quite the opposite of last year and it is the warmest & least amount of snow we have seen in a long time.

This being said , the only "snow" we had recently was on Saturday January 21st. It was the day of my good friend Asia's baby shower--I have dubbed it the "baby blizzard". Ha. Get it ? I know I'm too clever.

It was hardly a blizzard, but merely a few inches of fluffy snow.
And there is no way I was going to let the "storm" stop me from debuting these adorable guys.

Rubber Ducky Cupcakes !

Genius !


In the book they suggest using just white cupcakes , but I used funfetti to add some pizazz.

I also included a few pictures below of what the steps look like.

A few tips I have for all of you who want to try these:

1) Definitely freeze the cupcakes for a good 30 minutes before dipping

2) Orange starbursts are not as easy as they look to mold and your fingers can get pretty sticky---that step probably took the most time out of everything so I suggest making the beaks and feet prior to anything

(Sorry the picture is sideways--I really need to somehow invest in photoshop)

3) I also had an afterthought which I regret not using myself , but making these for a baby shower opens the possibility of pink or blue instead of traditional yellow. 

Next up---find out what happens when I have time & a pint of good looking blueberries !


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